Sub-Adapters 10
Preview and test each sub adapter.
Wormhole - Ethereum-Solana (wormhole-ethereum-solana)
Wormhole - Ethereum-BSC (wormhole-ethereum-bsc)
Wormhole - Ethereum-Avalanche (wormhole-ethereum-avalanche)
Wormhole - Ethereum-NEAR (wormhole-ethereum-near)
Wormhole - Solana-BSC (wormhole-solana-bsc)
Wormhole - Solana-Avalanche (wormhole-solana-avalanche)
Wormhole - Solana-NEAR (wormhole-solana-near)
Wormhole - BSC-Avalanche (wormhole-bsc-avalanche)
Wormhole - BSC-NEAR (wormhole-bsc-near)
Wormhole - Avalanche-NEAR (wormhole-avalanche-near)
Adapter Code
Check the entire code written for the Adapter.
Source code
Showing TS source.
1export const name = 'Wormhole Bridged Assets';
2export const version = '0.0.5';
3export const license = 'MIT';
5interface Asset {
6 id: string
7 nativeChain: string
8 wrappersByChain: { [chain: string]: { address: string, decimals?: number } }
9 stablecoin?: boolean
10 coingeckoId?: string
13interface Chain {
14 id: string
15 name: string
18const assets: Asset[] = [
19 {
20 id: 'eth',
21 nativeChain: 'ethereum',
22 coingeckoId: 'ethereum',
23 wrappersByChain: {
24 solana: {
25 address: '7vfCXTUXx5WJV5JADk17DUJ4ksgau7utNKj4b963voxs',
26 decimals: 8,
27 },
28 bsc: {
29 address: '0x4DB5a66E937A9F4473fA95b1cAF1d1E1D62E29EA',
30 },
31 avalanche: {
32 address: '0x8b82a291f83ca07af22120aba21632088fc92931',
33 },
34 },
35 },
36 {
37 id: 'usdc',
38 nativeChain: 'ethereum',
39 stablecoin: true,
40 wrappersByChain: {
41 solana: {
42 address: 'A9mUU4qviSctJVPJdBJWkb28deg915LYJKrzQ19ji3FM',
43 decimals: 6,
44 },
45 bsc: {
46 address: '0xB04906e95AB5D797aDA81508115611fee694c2b3',
47 decimals: 6,
48 },
49 polygon: {
50 address: '0x4318cb63a2b8edf2de971e2f17f77097e499459d',
51 decimals: 6,
52 },
53 },
54 },
55 {
56 id: 'usdc-sol',
57 nativeChain: 'solana',
58 stablecoin: true,
59 wrappersByChain: {
60 ethereum: {
61 address: '0x41f7B8b9b897276b7AAE926a9016935280b44E97',
62 decimals: 6,
63 },
64 },
65 },
66 {
67 id: 'usdt',
68 nativeChain: 'ethereum',
69 stablecoin: true,
70 wrappersByChain: {
71 solana: {
72 address: 'Dn4noZ5jgGfkntzcQSUZ8czkreiZ1ForXYoV2H8Dm7S1',
73 decimals: 6,
74 },
75 bsc: {
76 address: '0x524bC91Dc82d6b90EF29F76A3ECAaBAffFD490Bc',
77 decimals: 6,
78 },
79 },
80 },
81 {
82 id: 'sol',
83 nativeChain: 'solana',
84 coingeckoId: 'solana',
85 wrappersByChain: {
86 ethereum: {
87 address: '0xD31a59c85aE9D8edEFeC411D448f90841571b89c',
88 decimals: 9,
89 },
90 bsc: {
91 address: '0xfA54fF1a158B5189Ebba6ae130CEd6bbd3aEA76e',
92 decimals: 9,
93 },
94 avalanche: {
95 address: '0xfe6b19286885a4f7f55adad09c3cd1f906d2478f',
96 decimals: 9,
97 },
98 },
99 },
100 {
101 id: 'avax',
102 nativeChain: 'avalanche',
103 coingeckoId: 'avalanche-2',
104 wrappersByChain: {
105 solana: {
106 address: 'KgV1GvrHQmRBY8sHQQeUKwTm2r2h8t4C8qt12Cw1HVE',
107 decimals: 8,
108 },
109 ethereum: {
110 address: '0x85f138bfee4ef8e540890cfb48f620571d67eda3',
111 },
112 bsc: {
113 address: '0x96412902aa9aff61e13f085e70d3152c6ef2a817',
114 },
115 },
116 },
117 {
118 id: 'bnb',
119 nativeChain: 'bsc',
120 coingeckoId: 'binancecoin',
121 wrappersByChain: {
122 solana: {
123 address: '9gP2kCy3wA1ctvYWQk75guqXuHfrEomqydHLtcTCqiLa',
124 decimals: 8,
125 },
126 ethereum: {
127 address: '0x418d75f65a02b3d53b2418fb8e1fe493759c7605',
128 },
129 avalanche: {
130 address: '0x442f7f22b1ee2c842beaff52880d4573e9201158',
131 },
132 },
133 },
134 {
135 id: 'busd',
136 nativeChain: 'bsc',
137 stablecoin: true,
138 wrappersByChain: {
139 ethereum: {
140 address: '0x7B4B0B9b024109D182dCF3831222fbdA81369423',
141 },
142 polygon: {
143 address: '0xa8d394fe7380b8ce6145d5f85e6ac22d4e91acde',
144 },
145 },
146 },
147 {
148 id: 'ftt',
149 nativeChain: 'ethereum',
150 coingeckoId: 'ftx-token',
151 wrappersByChain: {
152 solana: {
153 address: 'EzfgjvkSwthhgHaceR3LnKXUoRkP6NUhfghdaHAj1tUv',
154 decimals: 8,
155 },
156 },
157 },
158 {
159 id: 'ldo',
160 nativeChain: 'ethereum',
161 coingeckoId: 'lido-dao',
162 wrappersByChain: {
163 solana: {
164 address: 'HZRCwxP2Vq9PCpPXooayhJ2bxTpo5xfpQrwB1svh332p',
165 decimals: 8,
166 },
167 },
168 },
169 {
170 id: 'sweat',
171 nativeChain: 'near',
172 coingeckoId: 'sweatcoin',
173 wrappersByChain: {
174 ethereum: {
175 address: '0xb4b9dc1c77bdbb135ea907fd5a08094d98883a35',
176 },
177 },
178 },
181const chains: Chain[] = [
182 {
183 id: 'ethereum',
184 name: 'Ethereum',
185 },
186 {
187 id: 'solana',
188 name: 'Solana',
189 },
190 {
191 id: 'bsc',
192 name: 'BSC',
193 },
194 {
195 id: 'avalanche',
196 name: 'Avalanche',
197 },
198 {
199 id: 'near',
200 name: 'NEAR',
201 },
204export function setup(sdk: Context) {
205 const getEVMSupply = (chain: string) => async (addr: string) => {
206 const supply = await sdk.ethers.getERC20Contract(addr, chain).totalSupply();
207 return parseInt(supply.toString());
208 }
210 const getSolanaTokenSupply = async (addr: string) => {
211 const data = await'', {
212 jsonrpc: "2.0",
213 id: 1,
214 method: "getTokenSupply",
215 params: [addr],
216 });
217 return parseInt(data.result.value.amount);
218 }
220 const getSupply: { [chain: string]: (addr: string) => Promise<number> } = {
221 ethereum: getEVMSupply('ethereum'),
222 bsc: getEVMSupply('bsc'),
223 avalanche: getEVMSupply('avalanche'),
224 solana: getSolanaTokenSupply,
225 }
227 const getBridged = async (chainA: string, chainB: string) => {
228 let total = 0;
229 for (const asset of assets) {
230 if (asset.nativeChain === chainA && asset.wrappersByChain[chainB]) {
231 const [wrapperSupply, price] = await Promise.all([
232 getSupply[chainB](asset.wrappersByChain[chainB].address),
233 asset.stablecoin ? Promise.resolve(1) : sdk.coinGecko.getCurrentPrice(asset.coingeckoId),
234 ]);
235 const decimals = asset.wrappersByChain[chainB].decimals || 18;
236 const wrapperSupplyDecimal = wrapperSupply / (10 ** decimals);
237 const bridgedValue = wrapperSupplyDecimal * price;
238 total += bridgedValue;
239 }
240 }
241 return total;
242 }
244 sdk.registerBundle('wormhole', {
245 name: 'Wormhole',
246 icon: sdk.ipfs.getDataURILoader('QmSrrpVYatpEt8Mvyd4kDrBvxwgYGNvXzB7fZWmhHRBzGy', 'image/svg+xml'),
247 category: 'multisig',
248 requiredSigners: 13,
249 totalSigners: 19,
250 description: 'Wormhole is a cross-chain interoperability protocol. Cross-chain messages are '
251 + 'relayed by a set of 19 "guardians", who publicly known.',
252 });
254 for (let i = 0; i < chains.length; i += 1) {
255 for (let j = i + 1; j < chains.length; j += 1) {
256 const chainA = chains[i];
257 const chainB = chains[j];
259 sdk.register({
260 id: `wormhole-${}-${}`,
261 bundle: 'wormhole',
262 queries: {
263 currentValueBridgedAToB: () => getBridged(,,
264 currentValueBridgedBToA: () => getBridged(,,
265 },
266 metadata: {
267 name: `Wormhole`,
268 icon: sdk.ipfs.getDataURILoader('QmSrrpVYatpEt8Mvyd4kDrBvxwgYGNvXzB7fZWmhHRBzGy', 'image/svg+xml'),
269 subtitle: `${}-${}`,
270 chainA:,
271 chainAName:,
272 chainB:,
273 chainBName:,
274 },
275 })
276 }
277 }
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Report it to the discussion board on Discord, we will take care of it.