
Simple Bridges

Fetches data for chain-to-chain bridges that can be easily queried.

Sub-Adapters 6

Preview and test each sub adapter.

Arbitrum One Bridge (arbitrum-one)

Avalanche Bridge - Ethereum (avalanche-ethereum)

Avalanche Bridge - Bitcoin (avalanche-bitcoin)

Gnosis Chain Bridge (gnosis-chain)

Gnosis Chain Bridge - BNB Chain (gnosis-omni-bsc)

Optimism Bridge (optimism)

Adapter Code

Check the entire code written for the Adapter.

Source code

Showing TS source.
1export const name = 'Simple Bridges';
2export const version = '0.2.5';
3export const license = 'MIT';
4export const description = 'Fetches data for chain-to-chain bridges that can be easily queried.';
6interface Chain {
7  chain: string
8  ignore?: string[]
9  countManually?: boolean
10  addresses?: string[]
13interface SubBridge {
14  id: string
15  icon?: string
16  bridgeId: string
17  subtitle?: string
18  chainA: Chain
19  chainB: Chain
20  iconType?: string
21  metadata?: Partial<BridgeMetadata>
24interface BridgeMetadata {
25  [name: string]: any
26  id: string
27  icon?: string
28  iconType?: string
29  name: string
30  category: string
31  audits?: {
32    name: string
33    date: string
34    url: string
35  }[]
38const bridges: BridgeMetadata[] = [
39  {
40    id: 'arbitrum-one',
41    icon: 'QmeRunQGxv3haLoMfgwD2VjKwScf7gDQiA1DCYd1HNBCG6',
42    name: 'Arbitrum One Bridge',
43    website: '',
44    category: 'native',
45    description: 'The Arbitrum Bridge is the native bridge of the Arbitrum rollup, which allows any ERC-20 '
46      + 'asset to be bridged from Ethereum mainnet into Arbitrum One.\n'
47      + 'The bridge inherits the security of Ethereum, although the Arbitrum maintains upgrade keys which can '
48      + 'change the bridge code.',
49  },
50  {
51    id: 'avalanche',
52    name: 'Avalanche Bridge',
53    website: '',
54    category: 'multisig-hardware',
55    icon: 'QmcWreeBT5HuurXsc5LbdDphmXUY3T4YrfnXvqt6y2no68',
56    requiredSigners: 6,
57    totalSigners: 8,
58    description: 'The Avalanche Bridge allows assets to be bridged from the Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchains '
59      + 'to the Avalanche C-Chain.\n'
60      + 'The bridge is secured by an Intel SGX secure enclave, which validates the deposit/withdrawal events '
61      + 'on the various chains.',
62  },
63  {
64    id: 'gnosis-chain',
65    icon: 'QmPFzLaw3G3SDvsHoebWGn52H1n8dpfEmmvSznkKDkPuC4',
66    name: 'Gnosis Chain Bridge',
67    category: 'multisig',
68    requiredSigners: 4,
69    totalSigners: 6,
70    description: 'The Gnosis Chain\'s native bridge bridges Dai from Ethereum into xDai, the native '
71      + 'asset of Gnosis Chain. Additionally, the Gnosis Chain OmniBridge allows any ERC-20 asset to be '
72      + 'bridged from Ethereum.\n'
73      + 'Bridge validators observe events on both chains and relay messages to the '
74      + 'bridge contract. Bridge validators are selected by the 6 members of the Bridge Governance Board.',
75  },
76  {
77    id: 'optimism',
78    icon: 'QmegSBGwcyoYU9yrgGS2U13DAexE9VYdetTn9rqa88yjZK',
79    name: 'Optimism Bridge',
80    category: 'native',
81    description: 'The Optimism Bridge is the native bridge of the Optimism rollup, which allows any ERC-20 '
82      + 'asset to be bridged from Ethereum mainnet into Optimism.\n'
83      + 'The bridge inherits the security of Ethereum, although the Optimism maintains upgrade keys which can '
84      + 'change the bridge code.',
85  },
88const subBridges: SubBridge[] = [
89  {
90    id: 'arbitrum-one',
91    bridgeId: 'arbitrum-one',
92    chainA: {
93      chain: 'ethereum',
94      addresses: [
95        '0x8315177aB297bA92A06054cE80a67Ed4DBd7ed3a',
96        '0xa3A7B6F88361F48403514059F1F16C8E78d60EeC',
97        '0xcEe284F754E854890e311e3280b767F80797180d',
98      ],
99    },
100    chainB: {
101      chain: 'arbitrum-one',
102    },
103  },
104  {
105    id: 'avalanche-ethereum',
106    bridgeId: 'avalanche',
107    chainA: {
108      chain: 'avalanche',
109    },
110    chainB: {
111      chain: 'ethereum',
112      addresses: [
113        '0x8eb8a3b98659cce290402893d0123abb75e3ab28',
114      ],
115    },
116    metadata: {
117      subtitle: 'Ethereum',
118    },
119  },
120  {
121    id: 'avalanche-bitcoin',
122    bridgeId: 'avalanche',
123    chainA: {
124      chain: 'avalanche',
125    },
126    chainB: {
127      chain: 'bitcoin',
128      addresses: [
129        'bc1q2f0tczgrukdxjrhhadpft2fehzpcrwrz549u90',
130      ],
131    },
132    metadata: {
133      subtitle: 'Bitcoin',
134    },
135  },
136  {
137    id: 'gnosis-chain',
138    bridgeId: 'gnosis-chain',
139    chainA: {
140      chain: 'ethereum',
141      addresses: [
142        '0x4aa42145Aa6Ebf72e164C9bBC74fbD3788045016', // xDai Bridge
143        '0x88ad09518695c6c3712AC10a214bE5109a655671', // OmniBridge
144      ],
145    },
146    chainB: {
147      chain: 'gnosis-chain',
148    },
149  },
150  {
151    id: 'gnosis-omni-bsc',
152    bridgeId: 'gnosis-chain',
153    chainA: {
154      chain: 'bsc',
155      addresses: [
156        '0xF0b456250DC9990662a6F25808cC74A6d1131Ea9',
157      ],
158    },
159    chainB: {
160      chain: 'gnosis-chain',
161    },
162    metadata: {
163      subtitle: 'BNB Chain',
164    },
165  },
166  {
167    id: 'optimism',
168    bridgeId: 'optimism',
169    chainA: {
170      chain: 'ethereum',
171      addresses: [
172        '0x467194771dAe2967Aef3ECbEDD3Bf9a310C76C65',
173        '0x5Fd79D46EBA7F351fe49BFF9E87cdeA6c821eF9f',
174        '0x99C9fc46f92E8a1c0deC1b1747d010903E884bE1',
175      ],
176    },
177    chainB: {
178      chain: 'optimism',
179    },
180  },
183export async function setup(sdk: Context) {
184  const solanaTokens = {
185    'So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112': () => sdk.coinGecko.getCurrentPrice('solana'),
186    'EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v': async () => 1, // USDC
187    'Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB': async () => 1, // USDT
188    'NFTUkR4u7wKxy9QLaX2TGvd9oZSWoMo4jqSJqdMb7Nk': () => sdk.coinGecko.getCurrentPrice('blockasset'),
189    '4k3Dyjzvzp8eMZWUXbBCjEvwSkkk59S5iCNLY3QrkX6R': () => sdk.coinGecko.getCurrentPrice('raydium'),
190  }
192  const getSolanaPortfolio = async (chain: Chain) => {
193    const response = await'', {
194      jsonrpc: '2.0',
195      id: '1',
196      method: 'getTokenAccountsByOwner',
197      params: [
198        (chain as any).address,
199        { programId: "TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA" },
200        { encoding: "jsonParsed", commitment: "processed" },
201      ],
202    });
204    let total = 0
206    for (const token of response.result.value) {
207      const getPrice = solanaTokens[]
208      if (getPrice) {
209        const price = await getPrice()
210        const value = price *
211        total += value
212      }
213    }
215    return total
216  }
218  const portfolioCache: { [addresses: string]: Promise<any> } = {}
219  const getPortfolio = (addresses: string[]): Promise<any> => {
220    const key = addresses.join(',')
221    if (!portfolioCache[key]) {
222      const url = `${key}`;
223      portfolioCache[key] = sdk.http.get(url)
224        .then(result => {
225          if (result.success) {
226            return result.value
227          }
228          throw new Error(`Request to '${url}' failed: ${result.message}`);
229        });
230    }
231    return portfolioCache[key];
232  }
234  const getZapperValue = async (chain: Chain) => {
235    // @ts-ignore
236    const addresses = chain.addresses || [chain.address]
237    const portfolio = await getPortfolio(addresses)
238    let value = 0
240    for (const token of portfolio) {
241      if (!chain.ignore || !chain.ignore.includes(token.address)) {
242        value += token.balanceUSD
243      }
244    }
246    return value
247  }
249  const getBitcoinValue = async (chain: Chain) => {
250    // @ts-ignore
251    const addresses: string[] = chain.addresses || [chain.address]
253    const balances = await Promise.all( (address: string): Promise<number> => {
254      const data = await sdk.http.get(`${address}`);
255      const unspent = (data.chain_stats.funded_txo_sum - data.chain_stats.spent_txo_sum) / 1e8;
256      return unspent;
257    }));
259    const total = balances.reduce((prev: number, val: number) => prev + val, 0);
260    const btcPrice = await sdk.coinGecko.getCurrentPrice('bitcoin');
261    return total * btcPrice;
262  }
264  const chainLoaders: { [chain: string]: (chain: Chain) => Promise<number> } = {
265    bitcoin: getBitcoinValue,
266    ethereum: getZapperValue,
267    bsc: getZapperValue,
268    matic: getZapperValue,
269    avalanche: getZapperValue,
270    fantom: getZapperValue,
271    solana: getSolanaPortfolio,
272  };
274  const getValue = (chain: Chain) => {
275    if (!chain.addresses) {
276      return Promise.resolve(0);
277    }
278    if (!chainLoaders[chain.chain]) {
279      throw new Error(`Chain ${chain.chain} not found`);
280    }
281    return chainLoaders[chain.chain](chain);
282  }
284  const metadataByBridge: { [id: string]: any } = {};
286  for (const bridge of bridges) {
287    const { id, icon, iconType, ...metadata } = bridge;
288    const bridgeMetadata: any = {
289      ...metadata,
290      icon: icon ? sdk.ipfs.getDataURILoader(icon, iconType || 'image/svg+xml') : null,
291    }
292    sdk.registerBundle(id, bridgeMetadata);
293    metadataByBridge[id] = bridgeMetadata;
294  }
296  for (const subbridge of subBridges) {
297    if (!metadataByBridge[subbridge.bridgeId]) {
298      throw new Error(`Missing bridgeId for ${}`)
299    }
301    sdk.register({
302      id:,
303      bundle: subbridge.bridgeId,
304      queries: {
305        currentValueBridgedAToB: () => getValue(subbridge.chainA),
306        currentValueBridgedBToA: () => getValue(subbridge.chainB),
307      },
308      metadata: {
309        ...metadataByBridge[subbridge.bridgeId],
310        ...subbridge.metadata,
311        icon: subbridge.icon
312          ? sdk.ipfs.getDataURILoader(subbridge.icon, subbridge.iconType || 'image/svg+xml')
313          : metadataByBridge[subbridge.bridgeId].icon,
314        chainA: subbridge.chainA.chain,
315        chainB: subbridge.chainB.chain,
316      },
317    });
318  }

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Adapter Info







CID (source)



